ISRI Scrap Specifications Circular (updated)


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Rules Governing the Procedures for the Addition, Amendment, or Withdrawal of Specifications............................3 Revisions Included in this Circular..............................................4 Guidelines for Nonferrous Scrap: NF-2022 ...............................6 Red Metals ........................................................................... 6 Aluminum..................................................................... 9 Zinc ................................................................................ 13 Magnesium..................................................................... 14 Lead ............................................................................... 14 Nickel/Stainless/Hi Temp................................................ 15 Mixed Metals...................................................................... 16 Other .............................................................................. 17 Guidelines for Ferrous Scrap: FS-2022.................................... 19 Electric Furnace Casting and Foundry Grades...................... 20 Specially Processed Grades................................................... 22 Cast Iron Grades............................................................... 22 Special Boring Grades ...................................................... 22 Steel From Scrap Tires..................................................... 22 Railroad Ferrous Scrap .................................................... 23 Guidelines for Glass Cullet: GC-2022....................................... 25 MRF Glass................................................................................... 27 Guidelines for Paper Stock: PS-2022 ...................................... 28 Glossary of Paper Stock Terms ............................................. 34 Guidelines for Plastic Scrap: P-2022..................................... 35 Guidelines for Electronics Scrap: ES-2022............................. 56 Guidelines for Tire Scrap TS-2022......................................... 60 Guidelines for Metals Transactions .......................................... 61 Inbound Residential Single Stream.......................................... 66 Inbound Residential Dual Stream ............................................. 68 ISRI Arbitration Service ......................................................... 70 Sc rap Specifications Circ ular 2022 Guidelines for Nonferrous Scrap Ferrous Scrap Glass Cullet Paper Stock Plastic Scrap Electronics Scrap Tire Scrap EFFECTIVE 7/14/2022 ™ 1250 H St. NW, Suite 400 Washington, DC 20005-5903 Tel. (202) 662-8500 Fax (202) 624-9256 Copyright © 2022 Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc.

PREFACE The standard specifications included in this Circular are intended to assist members in the buying and selling of their materials and products. These specifications are derived from many sectors of the metals, paper stock, plastics, glass, and electronics industries and are constructed to represent the quality or composition of the materials bought and sold in the industry. The specifications are internationally accepted and are used throughout the world to trade the various commodities. Parties to a transaction may specify particular variations or additions to these specifications as are suited for their specific transactions and for their individual convenience. Any deviation from the standard specifications, how- ever, should be mutually agreed to and so stipulated in writing by the par- ties to the transactions. ISRI maintains an Arbitration Service as a means of enabling members to settle differences between themselves or between one of them and a non- member. In addition, the “Guidelines for Metals Transactions” contain supplementary information that will aid members in completing their business transactions. It is recommended that these Guidelines be reviewed and that members use them in conjunction with the actual specifications in the conduct of their business. ISRI’s Scrap Specifications Circular is posted in PDF format at least once per year on the ISRI web site. To ensure you have the most up-to-date version, visit Issued by: ™ Copyright © 2022 Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc. This document may not be reprinted in whole or in part without the prior written permission of the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc. CIRCULAR 2022 BECAME EFFECTIVE July 14, 2022, AND PREVAILS UNTIL SUPERSEDED.

INSTITUTE OF SCRAP RECYCLING INDUSTRIES, INC. 3 Copyright © 2022 Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc. Rules Governing the Procedures for the Addition, Amendment, or Withdrawal of Scrap Specifications 1.0 Initiation of Request. Any person may file a request to add, amend or withdraw a specification by submitting such request in writing to the ISRI President. 1.1 The President shall refer such request to the Chair of the appropriate Division Specifications Committee (the “Committee”), with copies to: A. ISRI’s Officers; B. The Chair of any ISRI Division and/or Committee that might be affected by the specification. 2.0 Committee Action. Following presentation by all inter- ested parties, the Committee shall review the request and: A. Act upon it prior to the next meeting of the Board, as set forth in Section 2.1; or B. Refer it to a subcommittee for review and recom- mendation for action by the full Committee at its next meeting. 2.1 The Committee shall summarize the positions advocat- ed by the various parties interested in the request and recommend to the appropriate division and the Board of Directors what action should be taken. 3.0 Notice. A notice of the Committee recommendations shall be distributed to all ISRI members, a news release will be distributed to industry trade publications and a notice will be posted on the ISRI website at least twenty days before the request will be considered by the Board of Directors. Such notice shall state: A. The date, time and place at which the request will be considered by the Board; B. That the proceeding at which the request will be considered shall be open to the public; C. That interested parties may participate in the pro- ceeding by personal appearance or by submitting writ- ten comments; D. A summary of the specification and the matter to be considered at the meeting. 4.0 Board of Directors Action. The Board of Directors, at its meeting at which the report and recommendation of the Committee has been made, may adopt, amend or reject the recommendation or table it pending further review and recommendation by the Committee. 4.1 Notice of the action taken by the Board shall be given to all interested parties who actively participated in the Committee proceeding and any other persons who have requested in writing notice of the Board’s action. Notice of said action also shall be distributed to all ISRI mem- bers, a news release will be distributed to industry trade publications and a notice will be posted on the ISRI web- site on or before ten days following the Board’s action. 5.0 Appeal. On or before thirty days after the date of the notice required in Section 6.1, any party may appeal the decision of the Board by written notice to the President. Said appeal shall state the reasons for the appeal and the requested action to be taken. Notice of said appeal shall be given in accordance with Section 1.0. 5.1 The appeal shall be heard by the Board at its next meet- ing following receipt of the appeal. 5.2 The appellant and all interested parties shall be given at least twenty days notice of the date, time and place of the hearing, and like notice shall be inserted in the ISRI newsletter at least twenty days prior to the hearing. 5.3 At the hearing, the appellant and any other interested party may appear either in person or by written presen- tation and state their reasons for the appeal. 5.4 The Board, following said hearing, shall review and act upon the appeal. Notice of the Board’s action shall be given in accordance with Section 4.1. 6.0 Records. ISRI shall maintain for not less than five years following the date of termination of the proceedings, records of the original request, summaries of the delib- erations and recommendations of the Committee, action of the Board, summaries of the appeal and final decision, if any, of the Board, together with the positions of inter- ested parties, copies of notices sent to interested parties and inserted in the ISRI newsletter and national trade publications, written statements, and the reasons for recommendation and final action by the Committee and the Board. 6.1 Said records shall be available for review by the public upon reasonable notice.

Plastics General Non-Source-Specific Categories PE Clear Film (Grade A) PE Clear Film (Grade B) PE Film (Grade C) PE Colored Film Categories of Film from Specific Sources PE Retail Mix Film LDPE Furniture Mix PE Agricultural Film (Grade A) PE Agricultural Film (Grade B) PE MRF Film Specialty PE Film Grades Some specialty grades are regularly traded and use the following names. This list is not comprehensive. PE Garment Bag Film PE Banana Film PE Mulch Bag Film PE Cotton Wrap Film PE Tire Wrap Film General Non-Source-Specific Categories PE Clear Film (Grade A) PE Clear Film (Grade B) PE Film (Grade C) PE Colored Film Categories of Film from Specific Sources PE Retail Mix Film LDPE Furniture Mix PE Agricultural Film (Grade A) PE Agricultural Film (Grade B) PE MRF Film Specialty PE Film Grades PE Garment Bag Film PE Banana Film PE Mulch Bag Film PE Cotton Wrap Film PE Tire Wrap Film Revisions Included in this Circular The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) Board of Directors approved the following changes to ISRI’s Specifications Circular at its Summer Meeting in Washington, DC on July 14, 2022: 4 SCRAP SPECIFICATIONS CIRCULAR 2022 Nonferrous New Specifications TANK ALUMINUM CHOPS and STRAWS Shall consist of clean aluminum, chops or straws, free of screening, hair-wire, iron, copper, insulation and other nonmetallic items. Must be free of minus 20 mesh material. Must contain 99% aluminum content. TEASE ALUMINUM WIRE and CABLE Shall consist of new, clean, aluminum wire or cable free from hair wire, ACSR, wire screen, iron, insulation and other nonmetallic items. Must contain 99% aluminum content. Revised Specifications REELS Mixed Nonferrous Wheel Weights To consist of nonferrous wheel weights that are a minimum of 35% (overall) Nonferrous and no more than 65% Iron (Fe). Anticipated Nonferrous material may be both Lead and Zinc weights. To be free of foreign material. Final material specifications to be determined between buyer and seller. TALL E.C. ALUMINUM CHOPS AND STRAWS Shall consist of clean, 1350 and/or 1050 alloy, E.C. aluminum, chops or straws, free of screening, hair-wire, iron, copper, insulation and other non-metallic items. Must be free of minus 20 mesh material. Must contain 99.45% aluminum content. TALON E.C. ALUMINUM WIRE and CABLE Shall consist of new, clean, 1350 and/or 1050, E.C. aluminum wire or cable free from hair wire, ACSR, wire screen, tape, iron, insulation and other non-metallic items. Must contain 99.45% aluminum content.

5 INSTITUTE OF SCRAP RECYCLING INDUSTRIES, INC. Copyright © 2022 Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc. This page intentionally left blank

6 SCRAP SPECIFICATIONS CIRCULAR 2022 Guidelines for Nonferrous Scrap Copyright © 2022 Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc. Guidelines for Nonferrous Scrap: NF-2022 Note: When the individual scrap grades in this Circular, denoted by the various code words, are used, an agreement between parties is also bound by the terms of “Apple” as it appears below, unless the terms and conditions of a specific contract pro- vide otherwise, in which case the specific contractual provisions shall govern. CODE ITEM CODE ITEM Apple Nonferrous Terms a. Delivery of more or less of the specified quantity up to 3 percent is permissible. b. A ton shall be understood to be 2,000 pounds, unless otherwise specified. c. If any portion of the goods covered by a contract are unshipped or undelivered within the time speci- fied in a contract, then that portion is subject to cancellation by the buyer and/or the buyer has the right to hold the seller responsible for substanti- ated damages. If, because of embargo and/or other conditions of force majeure, a delivery or shipment cannot be made by the time specified, the contract shall remain valid and shall be completed promptly upon lifting of the embargo and/or conditions of force majeure and the terms of said contract shall not be changed. d. If for any portion of a contract the buyer fails in a timely manner to open a Letter of Credit and/or fails to provide proper conveyance and/or ship- ping instructions as specified in the contract, then that portion is subject to cancellation by the seller and/or the seller has the right to hold the buyer responsible for substantiated damages. If, because of embargo and/or other conditions of force majeure, a delivery or shipment cannot be made by the time specified, the contract shall remain valid and shall be completed promptly upon lifting of the embargo and/or conditions of force majeure and the terms of said contract shall not be changed. e. If a significant weight or quality difference is apparent, the seller should be notified promptly and, if requested, another weight or quality determination should be taken. Seller and/or buyer should be given the opportunity to appoint an independent surveyor or a representative to verify weights and/or quality. For purposes of this section, the meaning of the word “significant” shall be determined by agree- ment between buyer and seller, depending on the commodities and their values. f. If it is mutually determined that goods delivered do not conform to the description specified in the contract, then the shipment is subject to rejection or downgrade. Disposition of, replacement of, and/or financial adjustment for rejected material shall be subject- ed to mutual agreement between buyer and seller. Seller is responsible for freight costs. Buyer is expected, however, to exert every effort to limit rejections only to that portion of the ship- ment which is unsortable and to return the reject- ed portion promptly upon request, if government regulations permit. RED METALS HEAVIER PIECES OF ANY SIZE, LENGTH, AND WEIGHT ACCEPTABLE UPON MUTUAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN BUYER AND SELLER. Barley No. 1 COPPER WIRE Shall consist of No. 1 bare, uncoated, unalloyed cop- per wire, commonly known as Bare Bright copper wire. Wire gauge subject to agreement between buyer and seller. Green copper wire and hydrauli- cally compacted material to be subject to agreement between buyer and seller. Berry No. 1 COPPER WIRE Shall consist of clean, untinned, uncoated, unalloyed copper wire and cable, free of brittle burnt wire. Wire gauge subject to agreement between buyer and seller. Free of copper tubing. Hydraulically briquet- ted copper subject to agreement. Birch No. 2 COPPER WIRE Shall consist of miscellaneous, unalloyed copper wire having a nominal 96% copper content (mini- mum 94%) as determined by electrolytic assay. Should be free of the following: Excessively leaded, tinned, soldered copper wire; brass and bronze wire; excessive oil content, iron, and non-metallics; copper wire from burning; insulation; hair wire; brittle burnt wire; and should be reasonably free of ash. Hydrauli- cally briquetted copper subject to agreement. Candy No. 1 HEAVY COPPER SOLIDS AND TUBING Shall consist of clean, unalloyed, uncoated copper clippings, punchings, bus bars, commutator segments, and clean copper tubing. Hydraulically briquetted cop- per subject to agreement. Berry/Candy Candy/Berry A combination of copper wire and heavy copper as defined in Berry and Candy. See above. Cliff No. 2 COPPER SOLIDS AND TUBING Shall consist of miscellaneous, unalloyed copper scrap having a nominal 96% copper content (mini- mum 94%) as determined by electrolytic assay. Should be free of the following: Excessively leaded, tinned, soldered copper scrap; brasses and bronzes; excessive oil content, iron and non-metallics; copper tubing with other than copper connections or with sediment; copper wire from burning; insulation; hair wire; brittle burnt wire; and should be reasonably free of ash. Hydraulically briquetted copper subject to agreement.

7 Guidelines for Nonferrous Scrap INSTITUTE OF SCRAP RECYCLING INDUSTRIES, INC. Copyright © 2022 Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc. CODE ITEM CODE ITEM Birch/Cliff A combination of No. 2 copper wire and copper as defined in Birch and Cliff. See above. Clove No. 1 COPPER WIRE NODULES Shall consist of No. 1 bare, uncoated, unalloyed cop- per wire scrap nodules, chopped or shredded, free of tin, lead, zinc, aluminum, iron, other metallic impuri- ties, insulation, and other foreign contamination. Minimum copper 99%. Gauge smaller than No. 16 B & S wire and hydraulically compacted material sub- ject to agreement between buyer and seller. Cobra No. 2 COPPER WIRE NODULES Shall consist of No. 2 unalloyed copper wire scrap nodules, chopped or shredded, minimum 97% cop- per. Maximum metal impurities not to exceed 0.50% aluminum and 1% each of other metals or insulation. Hydraulically compacted material subject to agree- ment between buyer and seller. Cocoa COPPER WIRE NODULES Shall consist of unalloyed copper wire scrap nodules, chopped or shredded, minimum 99% copper. Shall be free of excessive insulation and other non-metal- lics. Maximummetal impurities as follows: Aluminum .05% Antimony .01% Tin .25% Iron .05% Nickel .05% Hydraulically compacted material subject to agree- ment between buyer and seller. Dream LIGHT COPPER Shall consist of miscellaneous, unalloyed copper scrap having a nominal 92% copper content (mini- mum 88%) as determined by electrolytic assay and shall consist of sheet copper, gutters, downspouts, kettles, boilers, and similar scrap. Should be free of the following: Burnt hair wire; copper clad; plating racks; grindings; copper wire from burning, con- taining insulation; radiators and fire extinguishers; refrigerator units; electrotype shells; screening; excessively leaded, tinned, soldered scrap; brasses and bronzes; excessive oil, iron and non-metallics; and should be reasonably free of ash. Hydraulically briquetted copper subject to agreement. Any items excluded in this grade are also excluded in the higher grades above. Drink REFINERY BRASS Shall contain a minimum of 61.3% copper and maxi- mum 5% iron and to consist of brass and bronze solids and turnings, and alloyed and contaminated copper scrap. Shall be free of insulated wire, grind- ings, electrotype shells and non-metallics. Hydrauli- cally briquetted material subject to agreement. Droid INSULATED COPPER WIRE SCRAP Shall consist of No. 2 copper wire (see Birch) with various types of insulation. To be sold on a sample or recovery basis, subject to agreement between buyer and seller. Existence of jelly wire subject to agreement between buyer and seller. Drove COPPER-BEARING SCRAP Shall consist of miscellaneous copper-containing skimmings, grindings, ashes, irony brass and copper, residues and slags. Shall be free of insulated wires; copper chlorides; unprepared tangled material; large motors; pyrophoric material; asbestos brake lin- ings; furnace bottoms; high lead materials; graphite crucibles; and noxious and explosive materials. Fine powdered material by agreement. Hydraulically bri- quetted material subject to agreement. Druid INSULATED COPPER WIRE SCRAP Shall consist of No. 1 bare, uncoated, unalloyed cop- per wire (see Barley), not smaller than No. 16 B & S wire gauge (unless smaller wire gauge is mutually agreed upon), with various types of insulation. To be sold on sample or recovery basis, subject to agree- ment between buyer and seller. Ebony COMPOSITION OR RED BRASS Shall consist of red brass scrap, valves, machinery bearings and other machinery parts, including mis- cellaneous castings made of copper, tin, zinc, and/or lead. Shall be free of semi-red brass castings (78% to 81% copper); railroad car boxes and other similar high-lead alloys; cocks and faucets; closed water meters; gates; pot pieces; ingots and burned brass; aluminum, silicon, and manganese bronzes; iron and non-metallics. No piece to measure more than 12” over any one part or weigh over 100 lbs. Heavier pieces acceptable upon mutual agreement between buyer and seller. Ebulent LEAD-FREE BISMUTH BRASS SOLIDS Shall consist of scrap castings alloyed with copper, tin, bismuth, and zinc. Castings shall be free of leaded brass attachments and have less than 0.2% alloyed lead or as agreed between buyer and seller. Exam- ples that meet this specification include, but are not limited to, CDA 89833/35/36/37/41/42 and 45. EcstaticLEAD-FREE BISMUTH BRASS TURNINGS Shall consist of scrap borings and turnings alloyed with copper, tin, bismuth, and zinc. Turnings shall be unmixed and have less than 0.2% alloyed lead or as agreed between buyer and seller. Examples that meet this specification include, but are not limited to, CDA 89833/35/36/37/41/42 and 45. Eland HIGH GRADE—LOW LEAD BRONZE/BRASS SOLIDS It is recommended these materials be sold by analy- sis. Elder GENUINE BABBITT-LINED BRASS BUSHINGS Shall consist of red brass bushings and bearings from automobiles and other machinery, shall contain not less than 12% high tin-base babbitt, and shall be free of iron-backed bearings. Elias HIGH LEAD BRONZE SOLIDS AND BORINGS It is recommended that these materials be sold on sample or analysis.

8 SCRAP SPECIFICATIONS CIRCULAR 2022 Guidelines for Nonferrous Scrap Copyright © 2022 Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc. CODE ITEM CODE ITEM Enerv RED BRASS COMPOSITION TURNINGS Shall consist of turnings from red brass composition material and should be sold subject to sample or analysis. Engel MACHINERY OR HARD BRASS SOLIDS Shall have a copper content of not less than 75%, a tin content of not less than 6%, and a lead content of not less than 6% nor more than 11%, and total impurities, exclusive of zinc, antimony, and nickel of not more than 0.75%; the antimony content not to exceed 0.50%. Shall be free of lined and unlined standard red car boxes. Erin MACHINERY OR HARD BRASS BORINGS Shall have a copper content of not less than 75%, a tin content of not less than 6%, and a lead content of not less than 6%nor more than 11%, and the total impurities, exclusive of zinc, antimony, and nickel of not more than 0.75%; the antimony content not to exceed 0.50%. Fence UNLINED STANDARD RED CAR BOXES (CLEAN JOURNALS) Shall consist of standard unlined and/or sweated railroad boxes and unlined and/or sweated car jour- nal bearings, free of yellow boxes and iron-backed boxes. Ferry LINED STANDARD RED CAR BOXES (LINED JOURNALS) Shall consist of standard babbitt-lined railroad boxes and/or babbitt-lined car journal bearings, free of yel- low boxes and iron-backed boxes. Grape COCKS AND FAUCETS Shall consist of mixed clean red and yellow brass, including chrome or nickel-plated, free of gas cocks, beer faucets, and aluminum and zinc base die cast material, and to contain a minimum of 35% semi- red. Honey YELLOW BRASS SCRAP Shall consist of mixed yellow brass solids, including brass castings, rolled brass, rod brass, tubing and miscellaneous yellow brasses, including plated brass. Must be free of manganese-bronze, aluminum- bronze, unsweated radiators or radiator parts, iron, and excessively dirty and corroded materials. Must also be free of any type of munitions including, but not limited to, bullet casings. Ivory YELLOW BRASS CASTINGS Shall consist of yellow brass castings in crucible shape, no piece to measure more than 12 inches over any one part; and shall be free of brass forgings, silicon bronze, aluminum bronze and manganese bronze, and not to contain more than 15% nickel plated material. Label NEW BRASS CLIPPINGS Shall consist of the cuttings of new unleaded yellow brass sheet or plate, to be clean and free from for- eign substances and not to contain more than 10% of clean brass punchings under 1/4 inch. To be free of Muntz metal and naval brass. Lace BRASS SHELL CASES WITHOUT PRIMERS Shall consist of clean fired 70/30 brass shell cases free of primers and any other foreign material. For material to be exported from the United States, all shells must be sufficiently mutilated to prevent reuse and reloading. Lady BRASS SHELL CASES WITH PRIMERS Shall consist of clean fired 70/30 brass shell cases containing the brass primers, and containing no other foreign material. For material to be exported from the United States, all shells must be sufficiently mutilated to prevent reuse and reloading. Lake BRASS SMALL ARMS AND RIFLE SHELLS, CLEAN FIRED Shall consist of clean fired 70/30 brass shells free of bullets, iron and any other foreign material. For material to be exported from the United States, all shells must be sufficiently mutilated to prevent reuse and reloading. Lamb BRASS SMALL ARMS AND RIFLE SHELLS, CLEAN MUFFLED (POPPED) Shall consist of clean muffled (popped) 70/30 brass shells free of bullets, iron and any other foreign mate- rial. For material to be exported from the United States, all shells must be sufficiently mutilated to prevent reuse and reloading. Lark YELLOW BRASS PRIMER Shall consist of clean yellow brass primers, burnt or unburnt. Shall be free of iron, excessive dirt, corro- sion and any other foreign material. Maize MIXED NEW NICKEL SILVER CLIPPINGS Shall consist of one or more nickel silver alloys and the range of nickel content to be specified, free of chrome or any other plating material. Leaded nickel silver clippings should be packed and sold separately. Not to contain more than 10% of clean punchings under 1/4 inch. Major NEW NICKEL SILVER CLIPPINGS AND SOLIDS Shall consist of new, clean nickel silver clippings, plate, rod and forgings, and other rolled shapes, free of chrome or any other plating material. Must be sold on nickel content specifications such as 10%– 12%–15%– 18%–20%. Leaded nickel silver clippings should be packed and sold separately. A description as to its physical characteristics should be made in offering all nickel silver material. Malar NEW SEGREGATED NICKEL SILVER CLIPPINGS Shall consist of one specified nickel silver alloy. Not to contain more than 10%of clean punchings under 1/4 inch. Malic OLD NICKEL SILVER Shall consist of old nickel silver sheet, pipe, rod, tubes, wire, screen, soldered or unsoldered. Must not be trimmed seams alone, and must also be free of foreign substances, iron rimmed material and other metals.

9 Guidelines for Nonferrous Scrap INSTITUTE OF SCRAP RECYCLING INDUSTRIES, INC. Copyright © 2022 Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc. CODE ITEM CODE ITEM Melon BRASS PIPE Shall consist of brass pipe free of plated and soldered materials or pipes with cast brass connections. To be sound, clean pipes free of sediment and condenser tubes. Naggy NICKEL SILVER CASTINGS To be packed and sold separately. Niece NICKEL SILVER TURNINGS To be sold by sample or analysis. NascentLEADED BRASS SCRAP TURNINGS Shall consist of scrap borings and turnings alloyed with copper, zinc, and lead. Turnings shall be unmixed and have less than 0.01% alloyed bismuth and silicon each and other impurities as agreed between buyer and seller. Niche LEADED BRASS SCRAP ROD ENDS AND FORGINGS Shall consist of scrap rod ends and forgings alloyed with copper, zinc, and lead. Solids shall have less than 0.01% alloyed bismuth and silicon each and other impurities as agreed between buyer and seller. Night YELLOW BRASS ROD TURNINGS Shall consist strictly of rod turnings, free of alumi- num, manganese, composition, Tobin and Muntz metal turnings; not to contain over 3% free iron, oil or other moisture; to be free of grindings and bab- bitts; to contain not more than 0.30% tin and not more than 0.15% alloyed iron. Noble NEW YELLOW BRASS ROD ENDS Shall consist of new, clean rod ends from free turn- ing brass rods or forging rods, not to contain more than 0.30% tin and not more than 0.15% alloyed iron. To be free of Muntz metal and naval brass or any other alloys. To be in pieces not larger than 12” and free of foreign matter. NomadYELLOW BRASS TURNINGS Shall consist of yellow brass turnings, free of alumi- num, manganese and composition turnings, not to contain over 3% of free iron, oil or other moisture; to be free of grindings and babbitts. To avoid dis- pute, to be sold subject to sample or analysis. Ocean MIXED UNSWEATED AUTO RADIATORS Shall consist of mixed automobile radiators, to be free of aluminum radiators, and iron-finned radia- tors. All radiators to be subject to deduction of actual iron. The tonnage specification should cover the gross weight of the radiators, unless otherwise specified. Pales BRASS CONDENSER TUBES Shall consist of clean condenser tubing which may be plated or unplated, free of excessive corroded material as mutually agreed. Upon mutual agree- ment between buyer and seller, may be in the form of whole bundles including iron and/or brass heads as well as iron and/or brass baffles. Pallu ALUMINUM BRASS CONDENSER TUBES Shall consist of clean sound condenser tubing which may be plated or unplated, free of nickel alloy and corroded material. Palms MUNTZ METAL TUBES Shall consist of clean sound Muntz metal tubing which may be plated or unplated, free of nickel alloy, aluminum alloy, and corroded material. Parch MANGANESE BRONZE SOLIDS Shall have a copper content of not less than 55%, a lead content of not more than 1%, and shall be free of aluminum bronze and silicon bronze. ALUMINUM HEAVIER PIECES OF ANY SIZE, LENGTH, AND WEIGHT ACCEPTABLE UPON MUTUAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN BUYER AND SELLER. Tablet CLEAN ALUMINUM LITHOGRAPHIC SHEETS To consist of 1000 and/or 3000 series alloys, to be free of paper, plastic, excessively inked sheets, and any other contaminants. Minimum size of 3” (8 cm) in any direction. TabloidNEW, CLEAN ALUMINUM LITHOGRAPHIC SHEETS To consist of 1000 and/or 3000 series alloys, uncoated, unpainted, to be free of paper, plastic, ink, and any other contaminants. Minimum size of 3” (8 cm) in any direction. Taboo MIXED LOW COPPER ALUMINUM CLIPPINGS AND SOLIDS Shall consist of new, clean, uncoated and unpainted low copper aluminum scrap of two or more alloys with a minimum thickness of 0.015 inches (.38 mm) and to be free of 2000 and 7000 series, hair wire, wire screen, punchings less 1/2 inch (1.25 cm) diam- eter, dirt, and other non-metallic items. Grease and oil not to total more than 1%. Variations to this speci- fication should be agreed upon prior to shipment between the buyer and seller. Taint/ CLEAN MIXED OLD ALLOY SHEET ALUMINUM Tabor Shall consist of clean old alloy aluminum sheet of two or more alloys, free of foil, venetian blinds, castings, hair wire, screen wire, food or beverage containers, radiator shells, airplane sheet, bottle caps, plastic, dirt, and other non-metallic items. Oil and grease not to total more than 1%. Up to 10% Tale permitted. Take NEW ALUMINUM CAN STOCK Shall consist of new low copper aluminum can stock and clippings, clean, lithographed or not litho- graphed, and coated with clear lacquer but free of lids with sealers, iron, dirt and other foreign contami- nation. Oil not to exceed 1%.

10 SCRAP SPECIFICATIONS CIRCULAR 2022 Guidelines for Nonferrous Scrap Copyright © 2022 Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc. CODE ITEM C O D E I T E M Talc POST-CONSUMER ALUMINUM CAN SCRAP Shall consist of old aluminum food and/or beverage cans. Thematerial is to be free of other scrapmetals, foil, tin cans, plastic bottles, paper, glass, and other non-metallic items. Variations to this specification should be agreed upon prior to shipment between the buyer and seller. Talcred SHREDDED ALUMINUM USED BEVERAGE CAN (UBC) SCRAP Shall have a density of 12 to 17 pounds per cubic foot (193 to 273 kg/m3). Material should contain maximum 5% fines less than 4 mesh (U.S. standard screen size) (6.35 mm). Must be magnetically sepa- rated material and free of steel, lead, bottle caps, plastic cans and other plastics, glass, wood, dirt, grease, trash, and other foreign substances. Any free lead is basis for rejection. Any and all alumi- num items, other than used beverage cans, are not acceptable. Variations to this specification should be agreed upon prior to shipment between the seller and buyer. Taldack DENSIFIED ALUMINUM USED BEVERAGE CAN (UBC) SCRAP Shall have a biscuit density of 35 to 50 pounds per cubic foot (562 to 802 kg/m3). Each biscuit not to exceed 60 pounds (27.2 kg). Nominal biscuit size range from 10” to 13” x 101/4” (25.4 x 33 x 26 cm) to 20” x 61/4” x 9” (50.8 x 15.9 x 22.9 cm). Shall have banding slots in both directions to facilitate bundle banding. All biscuits comprising a bundle must be of uniform size. Size: Bundle range dimensions accept- able are 41” to 44” x 51” (104 to 112 cm) to 54” x 54” (137 x 137 cm) to 56” (142 cm) high. The only acceptable tying method shall be as follows: Using minimum 5/8” (1.6 cm) wide by .020” (.05 cm) thick steel straps, the bundles are to be banded with one vertical band per row and a minimum of two firth (horizontal) bands per bundle. Use of skids and/or support sheets of any material is not acceptable. Must be magnetically separated material and free of steel, lead, bottle caps, plastic cans and other plastic, glass, wood, dirt, grease, trash, and other foreign substances. Any free lead is basis for rejection. Any and all aluminum items, other than used beverage cans, are not acceptable. Items not covered in the specifications, including moisture, and any variations to this specification should be agreed upon prior to shipment between the seller and buyer. Taldon BALED ALUMINUM USED BEVERAGE CAN (UBC) SCRAP Shall have a minimum density of 14 pounds per cubic foot (225 kg/m3), and a maximum density of 17 pounds per cubic foot (273 kg/m3) for unflattened UBC and 22 pounds per cubic foot (353 kg/m3) for flattened UBC. Size: Minimum 30 cubic feet (.85 m3), with bale range dimensions of 24” to 40” (61 to 132 cm) by 30” to 52” (76 to 132 cm) by 40” to 84”(102 to 213 cm). The only acceptable tying method shall be as follows: four to six 5/8” (1.6 cm) x .020” (5 mm) steel bands, or six to ten #13 gauge steel wires (aluminum bands or wires are acceptable in equivalent strength and number). Use of skids and/ or support sheets of any material is not acceptable. Must be magnetically separated material and free of steel, lead, bottle caps, plastic cans and other plastic, glass, wood, dirt, grease, trash, and other foreign substances. Any free lead is basis for rejection. Any and all aluminum items, other than used beverage cans, are not acceptable. Variations to this speci- fication should be agreed upon prior to shipment between the buyer and seller. Taldork BRIQUETUED ALUMINUM USED BEVERAGE CAN (UBC) SCRAP Shall have a briquette density of 50 pounds per cubic foot (800 kg/m3) minimum. Nominal briquette size shall range from 12” to 24” (30.5 x 61 cm) x 12” to 24” (30.5 x 61 cm) in uniform profile with a variable length of 8” (20.3 cm) minimum and 48” (122 cm) maximum. Briquettes shall be bundled or stacked on skids and secured with a minimum of one vertical band per row and a minimum of one girth band per horizontal layer. Briquettes not to over- hang pallet. Total package height shall be 48 (122 cm) maximum. Banding shall be at least 5/8” (1.6 cm) wide by .020” (5 mm) thick steel strapping or equivalent strength. The weight of any bundle shall not exceed 4,000 pounds (1.814 mt). Material must be magnetically separated and free of steel, plastic, glass, dirt and all other foreign substances. Any and all aluminum items other than UBC are unaccept- able. Any free lead is basis for rejection. Items not covered in the specification, including moisture, and any variations to this specification should be agreed upon prior to shipment between the buyer and seller. Tale PAINTED SIDING Shall consist of clean, low copper aluminum siding scrap, painted one or two sides, free of plastic coat- ing, iron, dirt, corrosion, fiber, foam, or fiberglass backing or other non-metallic items. Talk ALUMINUM COPPER RADIATORS Shall consist of clean aluminum and copper radia- tors, and/or aluminum fins on copper tubing, free of brass tubing, iron and other foreign contamination. Tall E.C. ALUMINUM CHOPS AND STRAWS Shall consist of clean, 1350 and/or 1050 alloy, E.C. aluminum, chops or straws, free of screening, hairwire, iron, copper, insulation and other non-metallic items. Must be free of minus 20 mesh material. Must contain 99.45% aluminum content. Tally ALL ALUMINUM RADIATORS FROM AUTOMOBILES Shall consist of clean aluminum radiators and/or condensers. Should be free of all other types of radi- ators. All contaminants including iron, plastic, and foam not to exceed 1% of weight. Any deviation to this specification, including oxidation and aluminum content, to be negotiated between buyer and seller. Talon E.C. ALUMINUM WIRE and CABLE Shall consist of new, clean, 1350 and/or 1050, E.C. aluminum wire or cable free from hair wire, ACSR, wire screen, tape, iron, insulation and other non-metallic items. Must contain 99.45% aluminum content.

191 Guidelines for Nonferrous Scrap INSTITUTE OF SCRAP RECYCLING INDUSTRIES, INC. Copyright © 2022 Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc. CODE ITEM Tank ALUMINUM CHOPS and STRAWS Shall consist of clean aluminum, chops or straws, free of screening, hair-wire, iron, copper, insulation and other non-metallic items. Must be free of minus 20 mesh material. Must contain 99% aluminum content. Tarry A CLEAN ALUMINUM PISTONS Shall consist of clean aluminum pistons to be free from struts, bushings, shafts, iron rings and non- metallic items. Oil and grease not to exceed 2%. Tarry B CLEAN ALUMINUM PISTONS WITH STRUTS Shall consist of clean whole aluminum pistons with struts. Material is to be free frombushings, shafts, iron and non-metallic items . Oil and grease not to exceed 2%. Tarry C IRONY ALUMINUM PISTONS Shall consist of aluminum pistons with non-alumi- num attachments to be sold on a recovery basis or by special arrangement between buyer and seller. Tassel OLD MIXED ALUMINUM WIRE AND CABLE Shall consist of old, unalloyed aluminum wire and cable which may contain up to 10% 6000 series wire and cable with not over 1% free oxide or dirt and free from hair wire, wire screen, iron, insulation and other non-metallic items. Taste OLD PURE ALUMINUM WIRE AND CABLE Shall consist of old, unalloyed aluminum wire and cable containing not over 1% free oxide or dirt and free from hair wire, wire screen, iron, insulation and other non-metallic items. Tata NEW PRODUCTION ALUMINUM EXTRUSIONS Shall consist of one alloy (typically 6063). Material may contain “butt ends” from the extrusion pro- cess but must be free of any foreign contamination. Anodized material is acceptable. Painted material or alloys other than 6063 must be agreed upon by buyer and seller. Toto ALUMINUM EXTRUSIONS “10/10” Material to consist of new production and old/used 6063 extrusions that may contain up to (but not exceed) 10 percent painted extrusions and 10 per- cent 6061 alloy extrusions. Must not contain other alloys of aluminum. Material should be free of zinc corners, iron attachments, felt, plastic, paper, card- board, thermo break, and dirt and other contami- nants. Tutu ALUMINUM EXTRUSION DEALER GRADE Shall consist of old extruded aluminum of one alloy, typically alloy 6063, 6061, or 7075. Material must be free of iron, thermo break, saw chips, zinc corners, dirt, paper, cardboard, and other foreign contamination. Percentages of paint or other alloys to be agreed upon by buyer and seller. C O D E I T E M Tease ALUMINUM WIRE and CABLE TURNINGS Shall consist of aluminum borings and turnings of one specified alloy. Material should be free of oxida- tion, dirt, free iron, stainless steel, magnesium, oil, flammable liquids, moisture and other non-metallic items. Fines should not exceed 3% through a 20 mesh (U.S. standard) screen. Telic MIXED ALUMINUM BORINGS AND TURNINGS Shall consist of clean, uncorroded aluminum borings and turnings of two or more alloys and subject to deductions for fines in excess of 3% through a 20 mesh screen and dirt, free iron, oil, moisture and all other nonmetallic items. Material containing iron in excess of 10% and/or free magnesium or stainless steel or containing highly flammable cutting com- pounds will not constitute good delivery. To avoid dispute, material should be sold on basis of definite maximum zinc, tin and magnesium content. Tense MIXED ALUMINUM CASTINGS Shall consist of all clean aluminum castings which may contain auto and airplane castings but no ingots, and to be free of iron, brass, dirt and other non-metallic items. Oil and grease not to total more than 2%. Tepid AIRCRAFT SHEET ALUMINUM Should be sold on recovery basis or by special arrangements with purchaser. Terse NEW ALUMINUM FOIL Shall consist of clean, new, pure, uncoated 1000 and/or 3000 and/or 8000 series alloy aluminum foil, free from anodized foil, radar foil and chaff, paper, plastics, or any other non-metallic items. Hydraulically briquetted material and other alloys by agreement between buyer and seller. Tesla POST CONSUMER ALUMINUM FOIL Shall consist of baled old household aluminum foil and formed foil containers of uncoated 1000, 3000 and 8000 series aluminum alloy. Material may be anodized and contain a maximum of 5% organic residue. Material must be free from radar chaff foil, chemically etched foil, laminated foils, iron, paper, plastic and other non-metallic contaminants. Tetra NEW COATED ALUMINUM FOIL Shall consist of new aluminum foil coated or lami- nated with ink, lacquers, paper, or plastic. Material shall be clean, dry, free of loose plastic, PVC and other non-metallic items. This foil is sold on a metal content basis or by sample as agreed between buyer and seller. Thigh ALUMINUM GRINDINGS Should be sold on recovery basis or by special arrangements with purchaser. Thirl ALUMINUM DROSSES, SPATTERS, SPILLINGS, SKIMMINGS AND SWEEPINGS Should be sold on recovery basis or by special arrangements with purchaser. Tann NEW MIXED ALUMINUM WIRE AND CABLE Shall consist of new, clean, unalloyed aluminum wire or cable which may contain up to 10% 6000 series wire and cable free from hair wire, wire screen, iron, insulation and other non-metallic items. i li Shall consist of new, clean, aluminum wire or cable free from hair wire, ACSR, wire screen, iron, insulation and other nonmetallic items. Must contain 99% aluminum content.

12 SCRAP SPECIFICATIONS CIRCULAR 2022 Guidelines for Nonferrous Scrap Copyright © 2022 Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc. CODE ITEM CODE ITEM Thorn ALUMINUM BREAKAGE Shall consist of aluminum with miscellaneous con- taminants like iron, dirt, plastic and other types of contaminants. Material can either be sold based on aluminum recovery or content as agreed upon by buyer and seller. Must contain a minimum of 33% aluminum unless otherwise agreed upon by buyer and seller. Throb SWEATED ALUMINUM Shall consist of aluminum scrap which has been sweated or melted into a form or shape such as an ingot, sow or slab for convenience in shipping; to be free from corrosion, dross or any non-aluminum inclu- sions. Should be sold subject to sample or analysis. Tooth SEGREGATED NEW ALUMINUM ALLOY CLIPPINGS AND SOLIDS Shall consist of new, clean, uncoated and unpainted aluminum scrap of one specified aluminum alloy with a minimum thickness of .015” (.38 mm) and to be free of hair wire, wire screen, dirt and other non- metallic items. Oil and grease not to total more than 1%. Also free from punchings less than 1/2” (1.27 cm) in size. Tough MIXED NEW ALUMINUM ALLOY CLIPPINGS AND SOLIDS Shall consist of new, clean, uncoated and unpainted aluminum scrap of two or more alloys with a mini- mum thickness of .015” (.38 mm) and to be free of hair wire, wire screen, dirt and other non-metallic items. Oil and grease not to total more than 1%. Also free from punchings less than 1/2” (1.27 cm) in size. Tread SEGREGATED NEW ALUMINUM CASTINGS, FORGINGS AND EXTRUSIONS Shall consist of new, clean, uncoated aluminum cast- ings, forgings, and extrusions of one specified alloy only and to be free from sawings, stainless steel, zinc, iron, dirt, oil, grease and other non-metallic items. Troma Aluminum Auto or Truck Wheels Shall consist of clean, single-piece, unplated alu- minum wheels of a single specified alloy, free of all inserts, steel, wheel weights, valve stems, tires, grease and oil and other non-metallic items. Varia- tions to this specification should be agreed upon prior to shipment between the buyer and seller. Trump ALUMINUM AUTO CASTINGS Shall consist of all clean automobile aluminum cast- ings of sufficient size to be readily identified and to be free from iron, dirt, brass, bushings, and non-metallic items. Oil and grease not to total more than 2%. Trill ACSR Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced (ACSR) wire is a combination of steel and aluminum wire, of vari- ous configurations, with the expected aluminum recovery agreed upon by the buyer and the seller. Material to be free of other wires and cables unless mutually agreed upon. Twang IAW Insulated aluminum wire, which may or may not con- tain other wires or metal shielding, with the expect- ed aluminum recovery agreed upon by the buyer and the seller. The material to be free of other wires and cables unless mutually agreed upon. Twirl FRAGMENTIZER AIRCRAFT ALUMINUM SCRAP (2000 and 7000 series) The material as received must be dry and not to con- tain more than 2% free zinc, 1%maximum free mag- nesium, and 1.5% maximum free iron and stainless with a maximum of 2% analytical iron. Not to contain more than a total 5% maximum of non-metallics, of which no more than 1% shall be rubber and plastics. To be free of excessively oxidized material. Any variations to be sold by special arrangement between buyer and seller. Twist ALUMINUM AIRPLANE CASTINGS Shall consist of clean aluminum castings from air- planes and to be free from iron, dirt, brass, bushings, and non-metallic items. Oil and grease not to total more than 2%. Twitch FLOATED FRAGMENTIZER ALUMINUM SCRAP (from Automobile Shredders) Derived from wet or dry media separation device, the material must be dry and not contain more than 1% maximum free zinc, 1% maximum free magnesium, and 1% maximum of analytical iron. Not to contain more than a total 2% maximum of non-metallics, of which no more than 1% shall be rubber and plastics. To be free of excessively oxidized material, air bag canisters, or any sealed or pressurized items. Any variation to be sold by special arrangement between buyer and seller. Tweak FRAGMENTIZER ALUMINUM SCRAP (from Automobile Shredders) Derived from either mechanical or hand separation, the material must be dry and not contain more than 4% maximum free zinc, 1% maximum free mag- nesium, and 1.5% maximum of analytical iron. Not to contain more than a total 5% maximum of non- metallics, of which no more than 1% shall be rubber and plastics. To be free of excessively oxidized mate- rial, air bag canisters, or any sealed or pressurized items. Any variation to be sold by special arrange- ment between buyer and seller. Twire BURNT FRAGMENTIZER ALUMINUM SCRAP (from Automobile Shredders) Incinerated or burned material must be dry and not contain more than X% (% to be agreed upon by buy- er and seller) ash from incineration, 4% maximum free zinc, 1% maximum free magnesium, and 1.5% maximum of analytical iron. Not to contain more than a total 5% maximum of non-metallics, of which no more than 1% shall be rubber and plastics. To be free of excessively oxidized material, air bag canis- ters, or any sealed pressurized items. Any variation to be sold by special arrangement between buyer and seller.

13 Guidelines for Nonferrous Scrap INSTITUTE OF SCRAP RECYCLING INDUSTRIES, INC. Copyright © 2022 Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc. CODE ITEM CODE ITEM Zorba SHREDDED NONFERROUS SCRAP (predominantly aluminum) Shall be made up of a combination of the nonfer- rous metals: aluminum, copper, lead, magnesium, stainless steel, nickel, tin, and zinc, in elemental or alloyed (solid) form. The percentage of each metal within the nonferrous concentrate shall be subject to agreement between buyer and seller. Material generated by eddy current, air separation, flota- tion, screening, other segregation technique(s), or a combination thereof. Shall have passed one or more magnets to reduce or eliminate free iron and/or large iron attachments. Shall be free of radioactive mate- rial, dross, or ash. Material to be bought/sold under this guideline shall be identified as “Zorba” with a number to follow indicating the estimated percent- age nonferrous metal content of the material (e.g., “Zorba 90” means the material contains approxi- mately 90% nonferrous metal content). May also be screened to permit description by specific size ranges. (Refer also to Zorba under Mixed Metals.) ZINC HEAVIER PIECES OF ANY SIZE, LENGTH, AND WEIGHT ACCEPTABLE UPON MUTUAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN BUYER AND SELLER. Saves OLD ZINC DIE CAST SCRAP Shall consist of miscellaneous old zinc base die cast- ings, with or without iron and other foreign attach- ments. Must be free of borings, turnings, dross pieces, chunks, melted pieces and skimmings. All unmeltables, dirt, foreign attachments, and volatile substances (such as rubber, cork, plastic, grease, etc.) are deductible. Material containing in excess of 30% iron will not constitute good delivery. Scabs NEW ZINC DIE CAST SCRAP Shall consist of new or unused, clean, zinc base die castings. Castings to be unplated, unpainted, and free from corrosion. Scoot ZINC DIE CAST AUTOMOTIVE GRILLES Shall consist of clean, old or used zinc base die cast automotive grilles, free from soldered material. All foreign attachments and extraneous materials are deductible. Scope NEW PLATED ZINC DIE CAST SCRAP Shall consist of new or unused clean, plated zinc base die castings, free from corrosion. Score OLD SCRAP ZINC Shall consist of clean dry scrap zinc, such as sheets, jar lids, clean unalloyed castings and anti-corrosion plates. Borings and turnings are not acceptable. Material must not be excessively corroded or oxi- dized. All foreign attachments and extraneous mate- rials are deductible. ScreenNEW ZINC CLIPPINGS Shall consist of any new pure zinc sheets or stamp- ings free from corrosion. To contain no foreign mate- rial or attachments. Printers zinc, such as engravers zinc, lithograph sheets and addressograph plates subject to special arrangements. Printers zinc to be free of routings. Scribe CRUSHED CLEAN SORTED FRAGMENTIZERS DIE CAST SCRAP, AS PRODUCED FROM AUTOMOBILE FRAGMENTIZERS To be clean, free of dirt, oil, glass, rubber, and trash. To contain a maximum of 5% unmeltables such as free iron, copper, aluminum and other metals. Scroll UNSORTED ZINC DIE CAST SCRAP Produced from automobile fragmentizers. Material to contain about 55% zinc-bearing scrap. Other nonferrous metals such as aluminum, stainless steel, red metal, etc., to be about 40%. Insulated copper wire about 1%. Trash, dirt, glass, rubber, oil, iron, not to exceed 5%. Any variations to be sold by special arrangement between buyer and seller. Scrub HOT DIP GALVANIZERS SLAB ZINC DROSS (Batch Process) Shall consist only of galvanizers unsweated zinc dross in slab form from hot dip galvanizing (Batch Process) with a minimum zinc content of 92% and shall be free of skimmings and tramp iron. Broken pieces under 2” in diameter shall not exceed 10% of the weight of each shipment. Slabs shall not weigh over 100 pounds each. Heavier pieces acceptable upon mutual agreement between buyer and seller. Material from continuous galvanizing operation is not acceptable. Blocks are acceptable upon mutual agreement. Scull ZINC DIE CAST SLABS OR PIGS Shall consist of melted zinc base die cast materials, in smooth clean solid slabs or pigs. Material to be free from drosses and to contain a minimum zinc content of 90%. To contain a maximum of 0.1% nickel and maximum of 1% lead. Blocks are accept- able upon mutual agreement. Seal CONTINUOUS LINE GALVANIZING SLAB ZINC TOP DROSS Shall consist of unsweated zinc dross removed from the top of a continuous line galvanizing bath, in slab form not weighing in excess of 100 pounds each, with a minimum zinc content of 90%. Heavier pieces acceptable upon mutual agreement between buyer and seller. Shall be free of skimmings. Broken pieces under 2” in diameter shall not exceed 10% of the weight of each shipment. Seam CONTINUOUS LINE GALVANIZING SLAB ZINC BOTTOM DROSS Shall consist of unsweated zinc dross removed from the bottom of a continuous line galvanizing bath, in slab form not weighing in excess of 100 pounds each, with a minimum zinc content of 92%. Heavier pieces acceptable upon mutual agreement between buyer